8 Powerful Habits of Happiness
Powerful Habits of Happiness to Enhance Your Business/Life
The power of happiness habits is little quality enhancements that are powerful only if you give them power, which means that they need to be used daily to give them power.
People feel their happiness when they feel healthy; that statement does not need a university study to believe that is a fact. The World Health Organization’s definition of health as a state of general physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of illness and defect (Seedhouse, 1996, p. 41). Just think about when you felt your happiest. However, that is not always the case. I know that I am my happiest when I am doing something I love or being with someone I love so there are other factors involved in our quest for happiness. I am sure you can name a few yourself.
Is happiness a decision, a choice that we make? Have you ever put on a happy face for work and notice how you can personally decide to be happy because that is your job?
Can you close your eyes now and remember a time in the past that made you feel really happy? Yes, of course, you can. Sure it takes focused effort to create it, but the outcome is worthwhile. Try it now. Once you choose happiness, the effect is that you change the way you experience life at that moment. Your happiness will affect the way you see, hear feel, taste and smell and the self-talk.
You have the powerful habits of happiness inside you just have to decide. You can decide to ‘turn it up’ with enthusiasm and express joy with funny little expressions. All habits start slowly and gradually, before you know it, you have a habit.
Studies show that generally, it takes from 22 to 66 times of repeatedly doing something to make it stick as a habit. However, take notice of the little habits good and bad that you do daily. These little habits will make you conscious of what you do.
You can change the way you experience your day just by changing the habit toward what you want to experience, so make them positive habits and choose to enhance your business + life. By making this choice you also improve the lives of those around you as you create your ripple effect of positive power.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. – Aristotle
So here are some Powerful Positive Habits you can work with to change the way you experience your day:
DECIDE to wake up and open your eyes to SEE light and love each day. See what you see every day like a child seeing it for the first time. Look in the mirror and say how beautiful you are without judgment! Look deeper than your what you see, look with big eyes like it’s the first time you see you. Decide to be truly beautiful in every way. For the blokes look at yourself like you’re the person you admire.
SET your intention for the day. Listen and HEAR the chatter of the mind then choose to replace it with an intention to help change the channel. Tune into your set intention for the day. First thing in the morning, disregard the negative talk to be intentional and to set your positive intention for the day just a simple one. My favourite is to smile at everyone from the heart and notice the world smile back. It might be to see the good in everything. You can learn more about intentions by following my #daily focus.
NOTICE something beautiful about the day, FEEL love for yourself and others hug your husband your dog your pet pig (apparently they make good pets!) Notice how your feeling and feel the intention of love in everything you do.
FEED yourself live energising food in the morning. Make sure you let go of frustration anger sadness fear or hurt before you eat. This will allow your digestive juices to get the right message into the body. Be mindful of each mouthful, enjoy the TASTE not just do the action of breakfast. If you’re going to have coffee, then have the best. Grind your own organic coffee, forget the pods and do it the properly, you could even roast your own. If you are a tea drinker, treat yourself to a pot of tea with loose leaf tea, none of this tea bag stuff! Make it a ritual fit for a queen and king. If you do caffeine do it with the best, show love to your body with a beautiful pot. If you are non-caffeinated conscious use a pot of hot water and fresh mint leaves, fresh sliced lemons or ginger. There are lots of lovely no caffeinated loose leaf teas or use fresh herbs from the garden.
NURTURE yourself and each moment with mindful ways. This is a giving and receiving cycle that if not honoured will create a disconnect. Perhaps just smell the flowers while you walk the dog or go for a jog 30 mins at lunch.
HONOUR a space in your day just for you 3-minute breathing space see website. Give yourself permission to read a book. If you have any emotion of guilt, let go holding on to any negative emotion that might come, just notice the feeling and then let it pass by acknowledging it and changing the habit of reaction into responding with love. Give yourself permission to do that 3 minutes of your time or more if possible.
CREATE FUN Adventures. Fun adventures are essential so create ways to do fun stuff that blows your hair back, ride the motorbike to Yoga! Something that excites you something creative something a little bit scary is good.
CONNECT with someone who inspires you and inspires others with your passion for life. After all, you are the sum of the people you surround yourself with on a daily basis.
Enhance the way you do life and your business with the little things that become powerful, because then you naturally encourage others to do the same.
If you feel like you want more happiness and motivation, then perhaps you are going through a change in your life, and you need to readjust your sails, however, to do that, you need to know what the winds are doing. When you are in this transition phase of your life, As I have experienced myself, I highly encourage engaging a coach, because you are not broken you just need a strategy.
Motivational coaching is designed to teach you how to recognise the change and allow yourself to let go of the old program that keeps you sailing into ruff weather and changes tack, finding out what is holding you back from moving forward to create a new path for your happy future.