• Blog,  Dreams

    A Journey with Yoga

    A JOURNEY WITH YOGA “Patanjali, the Patron Saint of Yoga said, “Mastery combines a balance of science and art. Knowledge of science is like the colours on the artist palette- the greater the knowledge, the more colours available. The body is the canvas and the Asanas are the art we create.” A quote taken from the text book called ‘Scientific Keys -The Key Muscles of Yoga’, Ray Long, MD, FRCSC. As I read these words, I completely resonate with its simplicity and beauty, as I begin my own personal journey with Yoga and I jump head first into the ether of Yoga Teacher Training….why? Well, because I heard myself! I…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    Skys the limit…..or is it?

    It seems 2012 was challenging for us all, and it’s interesting to observe and reflect on the personal challenges of change, massive shifts, physically and mentally. I am sure we all observed this on an individual basis. My lessons were about personal boundary’s and listening to my intuition and trust, self trust. The outcome was astoundingly beautiful, but hard work, I would never have imagined how exciting the year was going to pan out, although I had my goals, it was by far exceeded, and it took a leap of faith to make it all happen. We all had our challenges some bigger than others, but if you reading this,…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    The Art of Intention

    Intention its very powerful if we use it in a positive way. It is a great little tool we all have and it’s free. It is simple, if used with focus. The saying be careful what you wish for is relevant to this, because with intention you might just get what you wish for! But are you ready to receive it? it might not come the way you expected or imagined it to, but you will get it if you are focused on it, because stuffed in the middle of your requests was a little thing called “intention”. The driving energy that brings anything motion and substance is the energy…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    The ritual of tea

    I love the ritual of a pot of tea it is so elegant and nurturing for the soul. One of my favorite teas is rose tea, rose petal or rose bud tea, it is very high in Vitamin C and helps with, restful sleep. Here is a little something I wrote about Tea and what it means to me: Great tea is the essence and soul of a culture. It is a gift of the earth, the sun, the soil it is grown, and the people whom it represents. Like a wine a good tea is treated with respect and nurtured, It is handled with great care as a crop…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    A breath of fresh air

    As we all know it is human nature to go against the grain every now and then, push the boundaries or maybe its our innate curiosity to see how far we can go, just like a child we push it see how much we can take. Sometimes we create habits good and bad, that we are often completely unaware of, till it starts to impact our lives, and state of happiness. It is natural but not always helpful and positive. so sometimes we just need to reassess. Our bodies are a magnificent machine and we cannot fool or, trick them as our cells absorb and store information at a cellular…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    Fly by the seat of your pants

    Cape York A baptism of fire! riding my KTM 640 dirt bike to Cape York at the Northern tip of Australia. Mark my partner rode his F650 800 BMW, however I was grateful to be riding the KTM (that I had borrowed from him) as it had a lot of instant power to get me out of strife. I had only done about 50km on dirt before this trip through the the back of Tumbarumba NSW Snowy mountains, and Cape York was my bright idea!! like most things I say “lets do this…. Mark makes it happen and before I can understand the reality of what I have created, my…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    Create new habits that enhance your life

    Create new healthy habits You have heard it before and its true – the less un processed food you eat the more you gain nutritional value. However the rules of thumb is, when you start a new habit you must replace the old one with a new one to be the most effective. Here are some Raw habits to get you started: 1. Minimise the food you eat that comes that comes in a packet- look for food you can eat that is not in a packet by from your local butcher and support local farmers markets. 2. When drinking juice remember that the juice only stays alive for a…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    The good oil

    As a Naturally focused therapist Dip.Shiatsu and oriental therapies I am forever looking for natural products with out all the rubbish in it and understanding the food laws in our country that are designed to protect the consumer is not always happening because money talks. So it is upto the individual to get smart about our products come from is we choose so finding them is a never ending time consuming task but one I am very passionate about. So I am very happy to say I have found a company with its ethics in the right place and integrity is like beeds of bubbles in a fine glass of…

  • Blog,  Dreams

    Health crisis to wellness and beyond

    Having just gone through my own health crisis and popped out the other end with an amazing realization that I was part of the problem! That was very difficult for me to digest….. My life was beautiful I couldn’t be happier. Well… it seemed that way. I was detoxing, colonic therapy and changing my diet, studying my poohs! researching the Eastern, Western, energetic, emotional, environmental meaning for what was happening to my body, I was careful with what I allowed in an on my body, testing and getting right inside myself and beyond!! I was baffled and sick of myself. I wanted and needed an explanation why? why had my…