linda mccall startup mentor

Startup Mentor – Linda McCall

‘Ideas come from the desire to solve a problem. Finding a solution is the next step and could be your next global startup. Pitching the ideal solution for that problem takes courage and conviction. It is the first step to creating valuable change to helping others. A startup is taking that idea and scaling it globally. So have the courage to start solving problems to help create change that could just change the world. – Linda McCall

Startup Mentoring

You might not think you need a coach.  And you might already be in business.

It’s interesting to explore your ideas, it’s even more interesting to do it while living and working around the world as a digital nomad being location independent. You might also be transitioning into a startup, or are pivoting your life or business.

These are excellent times to leverage a coach to make it easier, faster and less risky.

You may be finding that what used to work, is not working for you now.  Times have changed.  People have changed.

You may feel the need to engage a mentor to reassess your business strategy or reassess how you are applying your strategies.

I help you with a global view.

I grew up with the aborigines in Australian Outback, lived in many Australian states, was/am an expat in Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and France.  I’ve flown the world many times as a First-Class International Flight Attendant with Qantas and NetJets.  Since 2015 I’ve lived as a digital nomad and worked (& volunteer) in the startup mentoring industry as well as cofounding my own startups.

My passion is for connecting startups and people in business to help them move toward their dreams.  I use effective NLP strategies and tools to assist you achieve success.

I am also supported by a global team of similar minded mentors.

Starting at $497 a month

How to Buy

To purchase a Mentoring Package please select a subscription from my global mentoring business Business in Bare Feet