4 Disciplines That Guarantee Consistent Successful Outcomes
Four Disciplines That Will Guarantee Success. If Practised They could Be Lethal. These are four disciplines are proven by neuroscience studies, on the mental toughness. They are now used in the training of the United States Navy Seals that proves that success is all in mind. I have chosen to share with you these four disciplines used by the U.S Navy Seals. To enhance the benefits of simple changes that can be made that can change your life and the way you experience it. We have a choice to be stuck, or we can choose to train ourselves out of this lazy mentality. Perhaps a limiting belief that “it will never…
8 Powerful Habits of Happiness
Powerful Habits of Happiness to Enhance Your Business/Life The power of happiness habits is little quality enhancements that are powerful only if you give them power, which means that they need to be used daily to give them power. People feel their happiness when they feel healthy; that statement does not need a university study to believe that is a fact. The World Health Organization’s definition of health as a state of general physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of illness and defect (Seedhouse, 1996, p. 41). Just think about when you felt your happiest. However, that is not always the case. I know that I…
5 Hidden Secrets to Activate Your Future
It all comes down to your beliefs and attitudes that will make these 5 hidden secrets to activate your future work. Your beliefs will activate or destroy your future. when we change our minds we can change and activate a future to achieve what you want in life…it’s true!
3 Signs You Need An Adventure
How often to you feed your Adventurous Soul?
The Big C – Rethink The Way We Look At Cancer
The big C- Rethink The Way We Look At Cancer. It’s my favourite day of the week Sunday, and I have been kicking back on my beanbag overlooking the forest listening once again to Astrophysicist Dr Paul Davis on the podcast: “Rethink The Way We Look At Cancer”. I absolutely love this podcast as it shines the light on how we are generally fed particular information and of cause how we tend to interpret information depending on our mindset and how we interpret life (negative or positive), dis-ease and particularly the big bad “C” word! As Paul Davis mentions, Cancer touches every single family in the world in some way…
Experiencing turbulence?
Experiencing Turbulence A dear and life long friend of mine Tony Caldwell (Surfer, Ships Pilot, Adventurer, Ironman) said: “Turbulence makes the world go round”. I love this because it is so true, you just don’t want to choose to stay in the turbulence too long, or you get fatigue and experience what I call “the Atomic wedgies of life” and we all know they are just bloody uncomfortable!. His comment made me realise how significate turbulence is in nature cycle of life, and it really is so necessary. Think about it. I believe that the discomfort is the gold if you push through it and get the gift of magical transformation. Are…
” It’s time” to set your Intentions and Adventures
It’s Time “It’s time” as Gough Whitlam said in his campaign the 1970’s. “It’s time” two little words that bought him the success he was after, and it got him elected…. finally. Amazing what a two little word buzz can do to get you what you want. This is just a little example of how words can ignite hope in people and some times it can be as little as even one word, depending on the story you create around it from your experience, and it is very different for each and every one of us. What if you had two little words or even one that could change the course…
An Adventure into the Body’s Mind
An Adventure Into The Body’s Mind. First I would like to give you a heads up on the key to Activating Your Future… is all inside of you and you can have whatever you want in life, because it is all there you just need to believe and be an action taker. Nothing in this life is without change and you can change and go into the directions of your Real Inspired Dreams if you just change your mind. I want to share with you a secret and that secret is that “the magic is YOU” You are the magic trick and the tools you choose to use will allow…