• Travel and work lifestyles

    The 4 Economies Of Change

    How to leverage these four economies in your regional community by knowing the root cause of change and leveraging from them. The economies of change are creating a rapid shift in the modern business landscape. I am talking about these four disruptors that are changing the way we did business in a linear sense, with over half of the  British economy, 4.3 million taking part in the gig opportunity it presents. I am going to share how you can leverage these economies in your regional town to build a stronger community. Reports are predicting that 50% of USA Millennials active in this space. The four economies of change that I…

  • Blog,  Dreams,  Travel and work lifestyles

    What is on Your Mind Matters – 3 Mindset Hacks For The Mindless Rush

    You open your eyes first thing in the morning and it’s on!  Your mind is chattering away in the background as you get up and do the autopilot stuff of a morning routine like you just turned the radio on, but it is all in your mind. You look in the mirror… Ouch! Ruff!! Your mind has already jumped into assessing what need to do for the day and is running rampant, and slightly overwhelming with the time restrictions chomping at your heels, or lack thereof. Exercise, Coffee, shower, food…too late, you already picked up the phone and you have started to engage on social media, texts whoops! Phone rings,…