5 Simple Ideas to Innovate in Business
Innovation is in the small things that make the journey easier. It does not have to be tech. Here is how to keep it simple and stay relevant in business.
Celebrate the People & the Adventures
CELEBRATING Startups, mentors, the people and the adventures we have taken together, I celebrate you. As a mentor in the startup ecosystem in Australia and Europe, I am always in awe of the people I have had the honour to work with and for the adventure, we go on together. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and as the year gradually begins to drop the curtains on a lot of beautiful experiences, it seems like a pretty good time to reflect on the people you met, bridges you built and adventures you had in the past 12 months. But you don’t have to wait until Christmas to celebrate the…
Take Command Of Your Life Experience – ‘Make it so’
“Seize the time…Live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come agian” – Jean-Luc Picard ‘Make it so’! In navigating your experience in life who makes it so? You do of course. Your reality is what you want to experience, you will filter information that way. You will only take in the information that you can delete distort and generalize from your past experiences. And then, you will ‘make it so’ in the words of Jean Luke from Star Trek. (sorry I can’t resist it, but only the Trekkies will appreciate it!) Take Command of your own ship The command to ‘make it so’, is not…
Three Good Reasons To Set Goals
There is always a good reason to set goals. Without them, you can coast along in your life aimlessly like a boat without a sail at the whim of the ocean. your Belief will affect the results. Your belief and what you value are mostly unconscious and your outcomes or results tell all. Your belief and what you value are mostly unconscious and your outcomes or results tell all. So If you have set goals before and they did not work that is simply because perhaps you did’nt believe it enough that you could! To move toward our dreams is one thing but your belief about whether or not you can…