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8 Questions to Start the New Year with More Truth, Freedom & Adventure


It is the new year, and goals are at the top of mind. This time of year triggers us to reassess everything, have a little bit of uncertainty about what just happened or you might be totally on a high and ready to kick some goals. In this read, you will be prompted to create new goals and outcomes and with eight questions to start the new year with Truth, Freedom, and Adventure might just push you a little further to accept the uncomfortable as normal and bum clenching moments as just part of the adventure and embrace it. We CAN do this anytime we like. Agreed? We are only locked into this idea of New Year by the illusion of time.

Goals are just intentions for adventures so it’s time to set an intention to greatness.

Speaking of time it really is created just by you. And it really is just according to you. An illusion of this is why some people are always late and some people are always on time, their illusion of time is set differently and that is just related to their person internal timeline. In June 1916 Einstein wrote: “Quantum theory would have to modify not only Maxwellian electrodynamics but also the new theory of gravitation.”

Einstein had quite an insight when you consider that quantum theory didn’t even exist at the time. It was still a nebulous idea that wouldn’t coalesce for another decade. So, we have been celebrating the centenary not only of Einstein’s theory but also of the long slog to supersede it. Don’t take my word for it do your own research you might discover something new.


A new year is a new day; a new day is a collation of new moments and a new moment is now. Each moment is in fact, an opportunity to start something new. So essentially, instead of having a new year’s big bang celebration and resolutions, why not ensure you celebrate often throughout the year as you stay focused on better outcomes that enhance your life and those around you.

A new day is an opportunity, to begin with, curiosity and joyfulness. How you purposefully affect the world around you with full intention and curiosity.

Holidays are an interruption of the patterns in life that we create unconsciously.  that allows you space to see things from a new perspective, talk to family and friends, an opportunity to stop and recognize what worked and what’s not serving you. The fact is that we do not have to wait for the new year to happen to embrace life and make changes we can do this anytime we decide.


What does more freedom feel like for you? what does it look like and even sound like for you? What Freedom means for me is different to what freedom means for you. You might think that having more happiness is the convincer of having more freedom. Someone else might think that owning nothing represents freedom and for someone else, it might be owning a Harley Davidson that represents freedom for them. These are all different interpretations of Freedom. None of them is right or wrong (except for the Harley Davidson! A BMW dual sport is more freedom!!). So moving on…

So to dig a little deeper than the stuff with think gives us freedom for a moment or two let’s look at the bigger picture of Freedom what is it really?

Freedom is directly related to what you value in life as look at whats important to you now. What is important to you now? That’s how you will start to discover more freedom at your core.


Why adventure you say…well life is an adventure and it is about taking a risk knowing the risk and doing it anyway. Have you been playing it safe for way too long? Great things don’t come from comfort zones they come from pushing boundaries. As a kid we pushed boundaries naturally we pushed to see what was possible. It was a natural as a child to learn by pushing our boundaries, but as we get older we place barriers around us and tend to cushion yourself from any dangers, and we stop learning. Adventure is out there and it is there to help us grow. What is the adventure that scares you? Public speaking is my scary adventure so I am throwing myself in head first. What is the scary adventure that you keep saying you should do? maybe this year is your year to create the intention for that adventure.

Here are some basic questions you can ask yourself, to get the thought juices flowing, If you experienced a rough ride in the year that has just gone then this will assist you to change the way you experience 2017, bring more freedom and experience your most excellent adventure yet. Answer them in a positive and uplifting way to give yourself the best results, also spend the time to write them out and process it as best you can.

1. What do I value now?

Knowing what is important to you today in all areas of your life is about know what you are focusing on in your everyday life. Family, business, health, wealth, hobbies are all areas of your life you spend time on.

2. What is important to me now?

Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to do the things we love. What you focus on is not always aligned with what you want, so be mindful with what you focus on because that is where the energy flows.

Being aware of what you value in a hierarchy of what is most important to you, and what is least important is great to be consciously aware. What we valued one year ago, maybe slightly different to what you value today. So, take the time to evaluate what you value in all areas of your life. Try doing a mind map, be creative. Sometimes the first question and this question are very similar but it is worth asking in a few ways to work it out.

3.  How can I enhance my connections more in This year?

We can connect in a multitude of ways to enhance our experiences. Look at groups you can join who are interested in the things you love. Volunteer with enhancing your skill sets and connection with the community.


A few years ago now a partner Mark and I, sold up everything we owned and decided to go on an adventure. The adventure is called “Life” and how we can be experiencing a new freedom without all the stuff, the house, the multitude of complexity. The collection of energy compiled over time. The idea of doing our business on the road was to explore the business possibility, connect and experience life differently.

4.  How can I create more adventures in the new year?

As we continue to travel, we are connecting with people, places, and nature on an entirely new level. We talk to people, connect with new ideas of the startup community’s all over the country and globally, we volunteer our time as coaches on Startup Weekends because we love it. We constantly learn as we continue our discovery and embrace the opportunities.


You will find that the more you have the intention to serve others, people opened their doors. Nature expresses its full beauty as we venture out to experience our world differently as digital nomads. Doing life differently breaks up a stagnant lifestyle, the daily grind. I call it living in flow. We experience how other people live and understand more about human behaviors. Nothing of what I have mentioned is right or wrong it is what it is, choices, perceptions and just how we have chosen to live and experience life, it is different for everyone.

5.  How can I create more clarity of what I want to experience in the new year?

Getting clarity as to what you want to experience in the new year is simply asking the question and taking the time to process it on paper. Most people will not ask the question in fear of creating something bigger than themselves.


With this, I want to share with you “be careful what you wish for because you will get it” or be specific with what you want to experience and you will recognize it when it turns up in your life. Also with that is the notion of being a little BOLD and a BIT CRAZY and just go for it!

Think big! Take big actions toward achieving it. Well, I believe if you do not try you will never know if you fail, you will learn, it is a win, win!

Our personal journey in 2016 was bigger than I ever dreamed. I had the opportunity to lap Australia on my motorbike as well and gave me much more than I could think possible, life has lovely surprises. Might I suggest not be too concerned with the “how” just be open to the “what” and the “when”?

We have discovered more freedom and clarity by connecting with like-minded people we did not know the how we just knew the what and when.

However, As I have found time and time again, is that when it comes to change, CHANGE it will boldly ask you “what you are willing to let go of?”

6.  What are you willing to let go of this year, that will give you more freedom?

With trust in ourselves and in each other. Mark and I lapped Australia. We discovered people and places we had not experienced before and continue to explore Australia’s business communities of the outback, remote areas and connect globally with business communities via the internet cosmos.

Building trust with communities is also about sharing personal stories and making the personal connection.

We have connected with Start-ups, Networkers, BNI’s, Innovation hubs, farmers, digital nomads, big business, small business and government bodies in all states of Australian and international.

What we learnt is that there is creating trust by reaching out and talking to people sharing your experience and hearing the stories you gather trust and you begin to find trusted people you want to do business with.

5.  How can I build more trust in myself?

Trust comes from yourself first. When you trust yourself, you can trust other. People who have sleep problems have a trust issue. How is that you ask? It is the communication with the unconscious mind that is lacking trust. During the day the Conscious Mind runs the body, at night the unconscious mind says “Conscious mind, you worked all day I will take over now” says the unconscious mind. ” I will run the body while you rest”. If you can not sleep, then there is a trust issue. On some level, there is a trust issue. There is no handover and the conscious mind becomes exhausted from control and help is required. Rest and good rest is one of our basic survival skills that the body needs to function.

Minimise to Maximise

We journey along in life very simply these days, with a motorbike a four-wheel drive, a tent and trusty dog and of course, the most used things we travel with are our Microsoft Surface Pros. We minimized to maximize our life experience. A lesson in detachment and letting go.

Detachment from all the stuff, was such a journey in itself when I sold up everything over a year ago. What I thought was important became just stuff and replicable. I understood a different level of existence, and that was simplicity and all the stagnation we can create, and what we think we need we really, just want. I now understand more about keeping it simple. Moreover, the books (my favorite thing ever) now don’t gather dust on a shelf; I hand them on to enhance someone else’s world and that the right book will come to you when you need it.

6.  How can I minimize to maximize my experience this year?

Home is where your heart is and where the people you choose to share your life with and open to meeting. You realize that you do not need what you use to think was important to you. The things you collect and gather dust for the sake of propagating dust mites!

The detachment process is cleansing, saying the least, and we can experience life from simplicity, life becomes more about experiences rather than things.

7.  What are my comfort zones?

Stepping outside the comfort zone is where the gold is. However, what if you gave yourself permission and that, just maybe as simple as you could conceive a dream and act on it gracefully. All this is often on the outside of your comfort zone.


When you step out of that comfort zone and notice what comes up for you emotionally, accept it and learn something from it. To embrace the ability to enjoy the change even if it feels uncomfortable. Even if the change was effected by something outside of you and it seems like you did not have a choice, we have the opportunity to learn from it and that freedom comes from you, you create it.

8.  How can I communicate better with myself and others?

Having been on the road for a while now life is abundant with choices and the connecting with people and places you would on experience when on holidays we often experience and gifts us with opportunity if you are open to it. I have met challenges, but the opportunities are energic and profound.

I would like to extend a big thank all who have shared our journey with us so far and to stay connected.

Each and every one of you have been our teachers.

We have also met magical people who surround us, like-minded adventurous souls, who inspire and shine the light on how life can be a different experience. It is all a matter of communication and choices.


We are all challenged with life-changing events in the shape of loss of loved ones, tragedy, life-threatening health issues, relationship separation. However, these events all ask us;

“What beliefs and attitudes am I prepared to change in myself help me grow”?.

May I encourage you and write down these two questions and take a moment to write out what is in your mind, give yourself space and time to process.

The Extraordinary

On my journeys, I have met extraordinary people; I am blessed to have fabulous connections, workshopped with start-ups and worked with small businesses and shared perspectives. Talked about ideas and innovation and gradually noticing little pockets of like-minded people thinking outside the box and wanting to experience life differently.

As a coach and businesswoman, I am not immune to any of what I have talked about that is why I write about it. Like any business person, business is a personal journey. The best gift I can get from life is to meet these extraordinary souls, changing the way they experience life and to hold a space for others to enjoy. That is what it is all about, experiences, adventure, and the people. It is the people who ultimately inspired me.

The Road to Freedom is a workshop I am sharing with community’s globally, online and live events. The Road to Freedom is a way of life for me now; it is how I operate it is my chosen way to add value to the world as I travel. It addresses the simple fact that we as humans complicate our lives and that all relationships and communication starts with the relationship communication with yourself.

Join the Adventure

Come and join our half-day Road to Freedom workshops as we tour Australia. Tickets on event bright check events on the website Come and join our Big Dream Project and start working on that dream you have always wanted to explore. Coaching Camps are run four times a year.

I continue to be inspired by the people I meet and hope to see you on my journey. Come and share your extraordinary adventures and be a part of a like-minded community all moving toward your dreams and learn how to make them your reality.

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