Blog,  Dreams

5 Steps Toward Living Your Dreams

Have you ever thought about what steps you need to consider and take action on to live your dream into your reality?

What did you dream about as a kid in the past?

Notice how it is different to what you dream about now in the present and what you desire for the future.  Because each time you achieve what you want, you can recognise your ability to dream and create it better. You have more experience in life, you have changed as a person due to those experiences.

This all might sound obvious but my point is to notice your dreams that you have created so far because when things go pear shaped, you forget how it’s possible to change it. When the fog sets in, you sometimes forget how you can possibly make your dreams come true.

Look back into what you valued and what you wanted for your future, notice what you created into your reality.

Did you get what you wanted, the way you imagined it to be?

Now, think about something in the present, something you dream of creating.

What are the 3 things you need to take action on to make them happen?

To take action toward making it happen just chunk it down into bite size pieces.  If you are making excuses why you can’t then ask you self  “is this for me or for someone else?”. Generally, you will find you are taking other people into account, just make sure it’s for you and just you so that  it is real just for you.

These are just some things to think about if you want to change your reality toward creating what you want, the way you want it for your future.

Dream big, set goals take action. – Unknown

Here is 5 easy practical steps to start bringing your dreams into reality:

1. IMAGINE  a time in the past when you had achieved something great.  Think about the feelings you want to feel when you achieve this goal. E.g  excitement, powerful, happy, confidence. What do you feel once you have it NOW?

2. FEEL What it is like to feel the feelings of having it now, do you see, hear, feel, taste or smell when you have it NOW?

3.ACTION is the key to creating what you want, the way you want it.  What 3 steps do you need to take action on to create momentum and make it happen?

4.TIME is of the essence. What is the time frame you want it to happen within? Write it all down NOW, as if you have it now. E.g “it is now July…and I am experiencing…”

5. SHARE your dreams with your friends for accountability. Say it out load. bring it up in conversation.

Begin these steps today and remember the most significant part is to “say it out load”. Talk about what you want the way you want it.

I am sharing my live dream coaching adventures with you as I ride around Australia on my BMW F 650 living my life as a freedom based digital nomad. This is my dream, that I created and I want you to be living yours too.

If you want to learn more, join our  live coaching as we adventure the globe helping you create your Real Inspired Dreams. 

We specialise in training and personal development, expanding mindsets, creating strategies toward living and breathing your extraordinary dream life +business. Explore and discover what is possible. Become the adventurous entrepreneur, and live your dreams in business and in life.

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