Blog,  Dreams

A Journey with Yoga

yoga is breath


“Patanjali, the Patron Saint of Yoga said, “Mastery combines a balance of science and art. Knowledge of science is like the colours on the artist palette- the greater the knowledge, the more colours available. The body is the canvas and the Asanas are the art we create.” A quote taken from the text book called ‘Scientific Keys -The Key Muscles of Yoga’, Ray Long, MD, FRCSC.

As I read these words, I completely resonate with its simplicity and beauty, as I begin my own personal journey with Yoga and I jump head first into the ether of Yoga Teacher Training….why? Well, because I heard myself!

I heard myself as a health advocate and therapist saying to my clients, “You should do Yoga….blahblah!” However I think I was actually saying this to myself -YOU should do Yoga! Often what we say to someone, we are also saying to ourselves, because we are projecting our needs on another – we are good at that! “You should have a massage..” Usually comes from the one who really needs the massage – Because we see and feel the need. My point is…yes…I heard myself..It was aimed at myself! So, here I am at the dawn of a new journey with a big smile in my heart, grateful that I listened.

I was lucky enough to have grabbed the opportunity as it popped into my awareness, while I was literally babbling “at” a friend (another practitioner Kimberlee Newman-Tyler of Essential Bodywork here on the Sunshine Coast). She listened (bless her!) to my Blah, about how I would love to start my yoga teacher training eventually, but for the time being I will practice yoga and do it next year. She nodded and then said, “Well, why don’t you do it now? I know a Yoga Teacher Training course starting this weekend with Tammy Pasco of NRG Power Yoga, however… I think the course is full, but I will put in a good word for you. ” And there it was, handed to me on a silver platter.

Mind blown and excited… I thought to myself….. Well why don’t I? I couldn’t think of any reason not to, I just couldn’t believe it. I literally had goosebumps all over me, it made tears well in my eyes, and I had that scary feeling I get when it is an absolute knowing…. Like when you know its your turn to climb out of the aeroplane as you ready yourself to jump… You climb out of the ‘plane on to the strut, you position for your first static line jump, and there is no going back, only forward to fly like an angel without wings. You let go, dropping into the unknown with your arms and legs outstretched looking high into the heavens grinning with fear like the ‘Cheshire Cat’ having faith your chute will open…that you float to the ground with your canopy bursting with air and hoping you don’t have to pull your reserve……

I knew then with that flood of emotion, that I had begun my journey this year 2013. Here it was – Me and Yoga. Strangely enough the only yoga that I really enjoyed was the Power Yoga and I didn’t think there were any teachers here on the Sunshine Coast. So for NRG Power Yoga to be offered to me, after I had searched aimlessly on the internet the night before, I was truly amazed and excited to be able to have this gift given to me so gracefully.

Giddy-up and here I go….

As an individual I am passionate about health, however I have not always been the healthiest creature on this planet, I have burnt the candle at both ends funning myself out. As a youngster I had always had a lot of health issues and was literally at ‘Heaven’s Gate’ at one stage as a young child, so I was drawn to the health industry through my own needs and curiosity later on in life.

I always had the intention to do a journey with Yoga while doing my Diploma in Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies and that I would continue my studies one day as a Yoga teacher to expand my practice. Well, now here I am today scratching my head as I sit and ponder this lifetime commitment I have made and how huge that intention is as I reflect on the week that was, my first weekend of a years training and a lifetime of Yoga Practice.

Knowing that I am in the right place at the right time, to receive this intention with ease and grace no matter how it looks, to do the journey… my heart lights up just thinking about it.

I realised with this commitment, I am not only committing to the practice of Yoga but so much, much more. I sit humbled by the journey ahead, but comforted that I have the tools and the guidance to move forward with continuous attention to the intention of my practice and ‘learnings’. To be open and embrace the moments with prana (breath) in my practice, to be present (challenging!)…. To continue to serve and give value to my clients through my treatments through my ‘learnings’; to honor my journey with gratefulness. That I am able to be at one with my body on a daily basis through my practice and in life….pant pant wow… Oh my! I have a long road to travel…… Lucky I love the unknowing and adventure that goes with it!

Yoga is Union

And in the words of BKS Lyengar’s ‘Light on Life’ – “You will learn though action and observation to understand the rising and descending energies of the intelligence and gain the art of surrendering the willpower from the seat of the head toward the seat of the heart.”

Stay tuned to the next chapter on my free fall with yoga. NAMASTE



linda mccall

Linda McCall is a natural therapies consultant, yoga teacher (in training) and shiatsu masseuse on Australia’s Sunshine Coast. She grew up in the Northern Territory outback and has travelled the world extensively including living in Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong & Australia as well as a career as an international flight attendant. Her life includes adventure motorcycle riding, hot air ballooning and flying light sport aircraft around the world. Follow Linda here at and follow her charity fundraising duck OneLuckyRubberDucky

written by Linda McCall Dip. Shiatsu & Oriental Therapies Healthy Equilibrium PO Box 71 Eumundi QLD 4562 Australia Web: Tel: +61 (0) 422 334 745 Email

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