Blog,  Dreams

Get The Right Attitude To Create Altitude

Get The Right Attitude To Create Altitude

Here are 12 simple steps to getting some altitude in your business. Inspired by my love of flying. I have to warn you ahead of time that, if your not a fan of flying you may not enjoy it as much or then again who know until you try? It is  a little fun ‘flying’ analogy that we recreational pilots enjoy so I apologise if it is not blowing your hair back.  It is all about your attitude to create altitude in business.

You can use them in life too.

See if you can notice the parallel in the things you do in business as well as life.

Ready for TakeOff

The following 12 steps are a guide to getting the right attitude to create altitude is ready for taking off so strap in and let’s go flying…

  1. Planning Procedures.  “Your flight starts when you taxi out in your little plane towards the runway. In your plane, you have a flight plan, sufficient fuel, maps and equipment. You’ve done your engine run-ups and controls checks.” (In life this step is the point when you have actively made the decision to leave)
  2. Communicate Your Intention. Next, you radio your intentions to taxi out on a chosen runway having assessed the wind and conditions (You make the decision to go a certain way) checking harness and hatches and asking yourself “Is it safe to proceed?” (You tell the people around you of your intentions to leave your current position or situation, and that you are fully equipped to do this successfully and move away from the safe hanger on your own).
  3. Use Your Resources. You engage your senses.  Physically looking around listening, using ALL of your senses, looking for things that might hold you up and opportunities that might make things easier for you, like reading the weather and listening to the radio finding out what the conditions might be from other pilots.  (Communication and watching out for things that might get in your path.)
  4. Focused Attention. Next, you radio your intentions to line up on the runway (outwardly broadcasting/marketing to your friends and family and clients of your next intention & commitment that you are clear and qualified to take the next step.)  Just before you put the power on and take off your heart races and you keep your focus not getting distracted by things that are not important. At this critical stage to have focused attention.
  5. You Always Have Choices. You have deemed you have made the decision; it is safe from all the information you have collated.  Sure there are risks, but you have allowed for them and made a calculated decision to move forward in the direction towards your destination. And you are ready for take-off. You taxi out Look, Listen, final checks and you’re ready.
  6. Take Action. You must now take action. You have taken the brakes off.  The plans roll forward….you apply FULL POWER… you have the controls; you pass critical stage, and it is still clear. Keeping peripheral vision to dodge hazards, kangaroos or birds on take-off (little hiccups that happen in a critical phase) you gently pull back on the stick to reach optimum take off speed.  You keep that attitude to gain speed at the right pace, to gradually gain height and gently you use a bit of right rudder to counteract the propeller and the wind effects. Glancing out at the horizon to keep your attitude as you go higher and higher up into the sky, and you keep your eyes fixed on the horizon steady. At 300 ft flaps up, 600 ft you look around checking for other obstacles (e.g. other planes) in the sky.
  7. Attitude As You Gain Altitude. You’re focused; you’re flying the plane, using all your tools available to you, and you have a quick glance at your instruments occasionally looking for anomalies. You take in all of the beauty and that feeling of freedom as you fly high into the sky, and you ease off your throttle and adjust your trim and tweak the aircraft for a lovely 100 to 110 knots as you find your cruise speed and the right attitude.
  8. Using Your Sensory Acuity. Flying along level you’re looking, listening and feeling the total awareness of your next move because you are at one with the aircraft and its surroundings.  You have your systems in place for the next steps (whatever they are), and you don’t have to do much but just enjoy the ride for awhile.  Quick and small adjustments and checks of all your critical systems so that you are staying on track nicely.
  9. Consistency.  Consistency is the key to safe and fun flying, as well as checking your systems.  Checking for other aircraft around you, broadly, not getting fixed on anyone of them too much, just moving forward at a constant speed, thinking about your flight plan ahead.
  10. Diversions. Just as you plan your final destination, you also plan for detours and alternates. You have full awareness of alternates, airports, where to get fuel, etc.  You’re constantly scanning the landscape for emergency landing spots and listening for traffic, keeping an eye on your compass heading, assessing and reassessing for drift, wind speed and your altitude.  You check your time to your destination is still on track resulting in a comfortable flight.  You check your maps, navigation tools and landmarks for clues of your current location as well as how you’re travelling and expected time of arrival or as we call it ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival).
  11. Be Prepared. What happens if you lose your engine? (It stops.) That OK because you already have a procedure in place to deal with it. You’ve practised it and are confident it works. It’s all about Positive Attitude (angle or pitch of the aircraft) that controls your airspeed.
  12. Momentum. Even without an engine you may gain or lose speed depending on the conditions at your attitude. If you lose momentum, you adapt your best glide speed to get that momentum back again.  Then you can assess and guide yourself to safety, using clear, effective use of controls, systems, procedures and communication to those around you as you land safely. Without the speed of the engine to propel you along you can lose height quickly, and it can all happen very fast. So it is important to have your systems in place so you do not lose the momentum.

Remember, with the right attitude you will get the altitude you desire and with that attitude, you can still glide to a safe greaser of a landing and still create new opportunities and enjoy more adventures ahead.

Happy flying and keep having soul deep adventure driven experiences.

Lovingly written by Linda McCall

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